Custom Dialer Buttons for Better Prospect Management

Jeff Osness

April 25, 2024

5 min

Table of Contents


  • PhoneBurner lets you customize two sets of custom buttons for your sales teams: Dialer Sets, which are displayed before a prospect answers, and Disposition Sets, which are displayed after a live answer occurs.
  • Customizing these buttons can help streamline post-call workflows and make follow-ups easier for reps.
  • Each button can be edited to automate different actions (like sending emails or moving prospects to different folders).
  • Sales managers can also create, edit, and share different Dialer Sets to their teams. This makes PhoneBurner an efficient way to make sure all your reps are set up to follow up on sales calls efficiently.

Custom Dialer Buttons for Better Prospect Management

One of PhoneBurner's most powerful features is the ability to create custom dialer buttons and disposition sets.

Custom Dialer Buttons are an excellent way to automate your workflow for various call outcomes that you encounter throughout your dial session. Each button can be configured to control:

  • Call Status: The disposition/status assigned to the contact (ie. interested)
  • Note: An automatic note that is added to the contact record
  • One-Touch Email: Which email to send them, or none
  • One-Touch SMS: Which text to send, or none (requires A2P10DLC approval)
  • Transfer To User: If you want a button to transfer the contact to another account
  • Move To: Moves the contact to another folder in your contact manager
  • Next Action: Dials the next number, the next contact, or asks you
  • Tags: Applies or removes custom “tags” based on the button
  • Do Not Call: Adds them to your do not call list, or not
  • Delete Contact: Removes the contact record from your contact manager
  • Webhook: If you want the button to trigger a webhook, such as an API request to a third-party system
  • Follow-Up Date: Sets a follow-up date for a callback
  • Contact Rating: Adds a star rating (1-5⭐) based on the call outcome
  • Connected Call: Counts the call as connected (or not) for reporting purposes
  • Successful Call: Counts the call as successful (or not) for reporting purposes    

Talk about powerful buttons!

The workflow and outcomes of the a dial session

Customizing your buttons can drastically improve your follow-up, reporting, prospect management and dialing, and sales efficiency.

In this article, we're going to show you how you can customize these buttons to improve your workflow. But first, let's distinguish between the two sets of buttons in your dialer:

Dialing Sets vs Live Answer Sets

PhoneBurner gives you two different button sets—a Dialing Set and a Live Answer Set. Here’s the difference between them:

  • Dialing Set: The set of buttons you see before a live answer takes place.
  • Live Answer Set: The set of buttons you see once you mark a call as answered.

The image below shows you example button sets for both kinds. You can add and edit buttons, define the actions taken when each is pressed, and create unlimited sets to handle all kinds of prospecting scenarios.

The buttons setup for a Dailing Set and Live Answer Set

How to Customize Your PhoneBurner Buttons

Customizing your buttons in PhoneBurner is easy. 

  • To change what occurs after each button press, click Settings > Dial Sessions > Dispositions.
  • In the window that appears, you’ll be able to see your Dialing Sets and Live Answer Sets.
  • Your Dialing Sets are for outcomes in which you do not reach your contact (busy signal, voicemail, etc.).
  • Your Live Answer Sets are for outcomes in which you have reached your contact
  • You may + Add New button set or edit an existing one.
  • This will bring you to the button configuration screen where once again you can + Add New buttons or edit existing ones.
Button configuration screen showing where you can add a new button

This will bring you to the configuration wizard that walks you through all of the options covered at the very beginning of the article.

Customizing PhoneBurner’s Button Sets for Different Scenarios

Dialer Sets are pretty straightforward since there are only so many different outcomes for calls where you don’t end up reaching the prospect. But here are a few examples of how you might adjust PhoneBurner’s Disposition Set of buttons for different call types:

Infographic of outcomes following call with an interested party

1. Insurance Agent

Let's say you sell insurance. You're calling existing clients with homeowner policies in an effort to sell them car insurance. Here are some custom Disposition buttons you might want to create:

Car Interested

Let’s say your auto insurance rates are lower than the prospect’s current provider, and they're interested in switching.

  • When the button is clicked, the prospect gets moved into the "Car Interested" subfolder within the "Home Client" folder.
  • The "Car Interested" email gets sent telling them you're glad you can save them money and will send over the forms they need to sign.
  • They're also tagged with the status "Car Interested" so that you can search for these prospects and ensure timely signature receipt.

Rate Not Lower

Say that when you provided your best rate over the phone, you weren't the prospect’s lowest option for auto insurance.

  • When this button is clicked, the prospect gets moved to the "Car not Lower" subfolder with your "Home Client" folder.
  • No email gets sent.
  • You add a note to their file and a follow-up date to try them again in 6 months.

2. Software Sales

Let's say you sell payroll software. You're calling small businesses trying to set up a demo of your platform. Here are some examples of custom Disposition buttons you might want to create:

Demo Scheduled

Great! You successfully set up a demo.

  • When this button is clicked, the prospect gets moved to your "Demo" folder.
  • An email is automatically sent with a link to your scheduling app that allows them to pick a time that works for them.

See Also: How to Reduce No-Shows for Demos & Appointments

Send Video

The prospect isn't ready for a demo. But they agreed you could send them a video about your software.

  • When you click this button, the prospect is moved to your "Video Sent" folder.
  • An email is automatically sent with a link to your website where the video is hosted.
  • A follow-up date is set for 3 days later so you can discuss their interest.

3. Loan Modification

Let's say you help people consolidate their student loans. You're calling leads who filled out an online form to confirm their debt amount, perhaps access their loan info, provide a quote, and then approve them. Here are some custom buttons you might create:

Debt Amount Confirmed

You confirmed the prospect’s debt amount but were not yet able to access their loan information.

  • When you press this button, you add a note to the CM that only the debt amount was confirmed.
  • You set their status to “debt amount confirmed” and move them to the "Debt Amount" folder.
  • An email is sent thanking them for their time and requesting a connection at a later time to move the process further.

Accessed Loan Info

You were successful in confirming their debt amount and were able to access their loan info as well.

  • When this button is pressed, a note is added stating that their debt amount was confirmed and their loan info was accessed.
  • Status is set to “Accessed loan info” and the prospect is moved to the "Accessed Loan" folder.
  • An email is sent to request a connection to move the process further.

See Also: The Ultimate Guide to Sales Follow-Up Emails

Gave Quote

You provided your lead with a quote.

  • When you press this button, their disposition is set to "Quoted" and they are moved to the "Quoted" folder.
  • Using a custom field, the sent email includes the exact quote you provided as a reminder, as well as an invitation to move forward when they are ready.
  • A follow-up date is set for 3 days later so you can discuss their interest.

Client Approved

Almost there! The client has approved you to move the process forward.

  • When you press this button, you automatically add a note stating the client approved.
  • This sets their status to “Approved” and moves them to the "Approved" folder.
  • No automated email is sent because you will be sending custom documents outside of the session.

These buttons just scratch the surface of what disposition buttons can do. Our team can help configure your account and button setup during your free onboarding. 

Use PhoneBurner’s Buttons to Drive Sales Success

Custom dialer and disposition buttons have a tremendous impact on your efficiency and can help you manage virtually any sales situation. No matter what industry you're in, you can customize your buttons to suit your needs and sales pipeline.

Find out how powerful our custom buttons can be with a free trial of PhoneBurner, or browse the FAQ below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions about PhoneBurner’s Custom Buttons

How many Dialing Sets and Live Answer Sets should my account have?

This really depends on your business. Ideally, you should have a different set of buttons for each kind of call campaign you engage in. You’d have different sets for prospecting calls vs. aged lead calls vs. customer upsell calls because the call outcomes would be very different for each. If you make calls for different clients, you’d use different sets.

When your existing sets don’t adequately cover the needs of a call campaign (different call outcomes, different emails, etc.) it’s time to create another one. Keep in mind that you can clone and edit sets rather than always starting from scratch. 

Can I create Dialing and Live Answer Sets for my team?

Yes! Admins in PhoneBurner can create and share sets so that everyone on their team has access to the same buttons. This is a great way to ensure that best practices are scaled across your team. Individual reps can create their own sets as well, but cannot delete sets that have been shared with them.

How many buttons can I have in a set?

You can have as many buttons as you need. Some customers have well more than a dozen different buttons to hyper-customize their processes. Want to have one English voicemail button and one Spanish voicemail button? You can. Want to set up 5 different buttons to transfer interested contacts to 5 different “closers?”

There is no limit to the level of customization you can achieve.

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