How to End a Sales Call (No Matter the Outcome)

Katy Klimovitsch

May 7, 2024

10 min

Table of Contents


  • Ending successful sales calls should involve expressing appreciation, summarizing key points, and confirming next steps to set clear expectations for future interactions.
  • To gracefully handle calls that don’t result in sales or opportunities, pay close attention to the interaction so you can leave a positive impression, and potentially leave the door open for future opportunities.
  • The right tone and language helps end sales calls positively. Stay warm and professional, use clear language, and maintain kindness even in the face of rejection.
  • Tools like PhoneBurner can improve the quality of your sales calls and help you follow-up efficiently, allowing you to drive more sales after calls terminate.

Why Ending a Sales Call Effectively Matters

The opening line is crucial for successful sales calls, but the conclusion holds just as much importance. It can truly be the determining factor in whether this newly developed relationship flourishes or not.

Ending a sales call isn’t just about booking the meeting or saying goodbye; it's about leaving a lasting impression that can influence the prospect's perception of your brand and determine the trajectory of your relationship.

As we explore the art of ending sales calls, we’ll help you uncover strategies for crafting positive endings, gracefully handling unsuccessful calls, seizing future opportunities, and maintaining professionalism through tone and language.

Strategies for Positive Endings

Concluding a call on a positive note is like putting the finishing touches on a masterpiece. It requires finesse, empathy, and a keen understanding of the prospect's needs and expectations. Here are a few strategies to consider for positive endings.

Show Appreciation

Express genuine appreciation for the prospect's time and attention, reinforcing the value of the conversation.

For example, saying, "Thank you for sharing your insights; I truly appreciate your time today," goes a long way in leaving a positive impression.

Summarize Key Points

Summarizing key points discussed during the call not only reinforces understanding but also reaffirms the prospect's interest in your solution.

You might say, "Just to recap, we discussed how our solution can address [specific pain point] and [another pain point]. Does that sound accurate?"

Confirm Next Steps

Confirming next steps, whether it's scheduling a follow-up call, sending additional resources, or arranging a product demonstration, sets clear expectations and keeps the momentum going.

Ending with, "I'll send over some case studies for your review. Would you prefer to schedule a follow-up call next week to discuss further?" is a great way to ensure a smooth transition to the next phase of the sales process.

Learn More: 5 Ways to Improve Your Conversation Skills

Handling Unsuccessful Calls

Not every call will result in a closed deal, and that's okay. What's important is how you handle these moments of rejection or disinterest.

Listen for Tone

If someone responds with "not interested," it’s important to gauge their response before deciding whether to pursue further information. If the prospect's tone indicates they're genuinely disinterested or unwilling to engage further, it's best to respect their decision and gracefully bow out.

Take the Opportunity to Learn More

However, if there's an opportunity based on their tonality or willingness to engage, you can try to understand their current solution and whether it's meeting their needs effectively. For example, by responding with “Sounds like you already have a solution in place. Is that right?” you can probe further to discern whether their lack of interest is genuine or simply a result of timing or other factors.

Stay Polite & Leave the Door Open

It's essential to handle these moments with sensitivity and professionalism, acknowledging their feedback while leaving the door open for future interactions. Express gratitude for their time and attentiveness, offering alternative solutions or follow-up options to demonstrate your commitment to providing value, even if it's not an immediate sale.

Ending with a statement like, "While it seems our solution may not be the perfect fit for your current needs, I'll follow up next month to see if anything has changed," keeps the conversation open for potential opportunities down the line. Remember, every call presents opportunities for future engagement, whether it’s successful today or not.

Learn More: The Ultimate Guide to Overcome Sales Objections

The Role of Tone & Language

The tone and language you employ during the closing moments of a call can significantly influence the prospect's perception of you and your company. Here are some tips for success:

  • Strike a balance between confidence and warmth. Convey appreciation for the prospect's time while maintaining a sense of urgency and enthusiasm.
  • Use clear and concise language without jargon or ambiguity. This helps the prospect understand the next steps and feel confident about their decision to engage.
  • Remember, professionalism and kindness is just as important when dealing with rejection. An abrupt end will leave the prospect with a bad taste in their mouth, whereas understanding and respect leaves the door open for an opportunity or referral down the line. A “no” is often just a “not right now.”
Sales rep and manager listening carefully to prospect during outbound call

Enhancing Sales Conversations through Active Listening & Empathy

The Art of Active Listening

Active listening is the cornerstone of effective communication, especially in sales. It involves not just hearing what the prospect is saying but truly understanding their needs, concerns, and motivations.

By actively listening throughout the call, sales professionals can gather valuable information that informs their closing strategy and strengthens their relationship with the prospect. Here are two active listening techniques that can help:

  • Paraphrasing: this is where you summarize the prospect's points to ensure clarity and demonstrate understanding. This not only confirms that you’re paying attention but also allows for any misunderstandings to be addressed promptly.
  • Asking clarifying questions: This is where you seek further explanation or elaboration on certain points to gather more data about the prospect's needs and uncover valuable insights that can inform your closing approach.

Why Empathy Is Essential

Moreover, practicing empathy is essential in building rapport and trust with prospects. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings and perspectives of others, allowing sales professionals to connect with prospects on a deeper level.

By demonstrating empathy, you can show that you genuinely care about the prospect's challenges and are committed to finding solutions that meet their needs.

Incorporating active listening and empathy into sales conversations not only enhances the overall experience for the prospect but also increases the likelihood of a successful outcome. By prioritizing these skills, you can create more meaningful connections with prospects and drive better results for your business.

Phoneburner's Features to Help

In today's fast-paced business environment, sales professionals need all the support they can get to stay organized, efficient, and focused on building meaningful connections with prospects. PhoneBurner offers a suite of post-call features designed to streamline follow-up processes and facilitate positive call endings. Here are a few notable features:

  • Custom disposition buttons: Sales reps need to take certain actions based on the outcome of each call. PhoneBurner’s customizable disposition buttons ensure these actions are reliably and efficiently handled. The same click that logs the call outcome can send a personalized email and/or text, apply notes and tags, move the contact to another folder and more.
Custom buttons for the call outcome
  • Follow-up disposition buttons: Whether a call is successful or not, sales reps often need to follow-up at a future date. PhoneBurner makes it easy to apply a follow-up date to a contact record - whether that’s next Tuesday or next quarter—so reps don’t overlook scheduled reach-outs.
  • SmartSender email tracking: It’s common for calls to end with a request for information, such as “Can you send me more info?” or “Do you have a website I can check out?” Unfortunately, reps lack insight into what happens after they send it.

PhoneBurner’s proprietary SmartSender feature solves this problem by alerting you in real time when a contact opens the email, clicks a link, watches a video, views an attachment and more. With this intel, reps know which prospects are engaged and can improve follow-up timing and messaging.

  • Notes and call recordings: Good notes make for better call results. Call recordings ensure important details aren’t missed or overlooked. Either way, PhoneBurner helps reps keep important details front and center to ensure more positive call endings and outcomes.
Smiling sales rep closing call successfully

Leave the Right Impression on Your Sales Calls

Mastering the art of ending sales calls is not just about saying goodbye; it's about leaving a lasting impression that sets the stage for future interactions and drives continued engagement.

By employing effective strategies, handling unsuccessful calls with grace, and leveraging tools like PhoneBurner, you can ensure that every conversation ends on a positive note, laying the groundwork for future opportunities and sustained growth.

So the next time you find yourself wrapping up a call, remember to leave a lasting impression—one that resonates long after the conversation ends.

Ready to put your knowledge to the test? Try PhoneBurner for free today.

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