The Ultimate Guide to Cold Calls and Outbound

Strategies, scripts, and templates for your team to use.

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We brought together insights, strategies, tactics, and advice from five experts to help you level up your outbound and cold calling.

Did you know that 82% of people have accepted a sales meeting after receiving a cold call? Cold calling is the backbone of any successful outbound sales strategy. And companies that don’t make a lot of cold calls see less growth than those that do.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • Why authentic conversations are more effective than sales pitches
  • The psychology behind outbound and how it impacts cold calling
  • What openers invite prospects to connect with your reps
  • How to handle objections and keep prospects on the phone
  • Real-world templates and scripts your team can use today

A Foreword from PhoneBurner's CEO

Chris' headshot

"Ask any great salesperson what the most valuable resource they have (next to high quality leads!) and you’ll hear: “time.” It’s why we designed this eBook in bite-sized pieces. You don’t need to read it cover-to-cover to acquire the actionable insights within, although you’re certainly welcome to do so. Instead, you can easily scan the chapters for content that’s relevant to your career right now. Simply put, we want salespeople to maximize output from their two most precious resources: their leads and their time."

—Chris Sorenson

Meet our industry experts

Greg Woodward

Founder and CEO of Woodward Strategies

Haylee Taylor

Senior Associate at ClozeLoop

Dan Bigelow

CEO at Sandler Training Utah

Jason Bay

Chief Prospecting Officer at Blissful Prospecting

Josh Braun

Founder of Josh Braun Sales Training