What's New in PhoneBurner: April 2022

Jesse Wisnewski

April 25, 2024

2 min

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Spring is in full swing, and our platform is blooming with fresh updates to custom fields, our import tool, and the API. We're putting the finishing touches on an eye-opening multi-year data study on call statistics and live answer rates, which we'll share soon.

Here are some curated highlights shipped during the month of April, plus a helpful blog post on crafting a winning sales strategy.

Numeric Custom Fields

The highly-requested numeric custom field type is ready. You now have the ability to sort and filter contacts based on custom numerical data points.

Contact API Update

Using our API to sync contacts? You can now include your CRM’s contact ID to help manage data between systems.

Unsubscribe Webhook

We've added a new webhook section under Integrations -> Webhooks for unsubscribes. This will help you stay compliant across multiple systems when contacts click an unsubscribe link in an email sent from PhoneBurner.

Simplified Numbers Billing

All of your PhoneBurner phone numbers are now billed together, and at the same per-number rate.

Add a Source to Imports

You can now add a vendor/source to your imports so you can gauge and report on the quality of various lead sources.

Looking Ahead

Keep your eyes open for more product updates in May. Plus, we'll have a few webinars you can attend, eBooks you can download, and big data insights you can use in your job. Make sure you stay close to our PhoneBurner blog for details on all this, and more.

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